Mattias Olofsson »Culture Constructing Nature« 2005
Text by Jacob Birken
In modernity it has often been claimed that since their separation from the court and church, the fine arts have lost their representative function; that they no longer serve to represent the powerful and the mediation of their worldview, but rather ultimately stand for themselves – put simply, l'art pour l'art. However, this is evidently not such a straightforward matter, for contemporary art might very well be seen as representative of a prevailing system – in our case, then, a democracy partly determined by the market. Weiterlesen ...
globalart | Thursday, 26 January 2012 00:00
Pooneh Maghazehe »Sandbox«, 2011, work in progress). Video, 9 min (2 min exerpt)
Visual opulence is one of Pooneh Maghazehe’s passions. The 32-year old American-Iranian lives in Brooklyn, recently graduated from Columbia University in New York, and, as artist-in-residence took a close examination of the history of the ZKM. Continue reading ...
globalart | Tuesday, 10 January 2012 21:47
Yara El-Sherbini at the Christmas Market in Karlsruhe. CLICK IMAGE TO OPEN GALLERY. All images: Joe Miletzki. © ZKM
Yara El-Sherbini, the British artist-in-residence, constructs fake bombs from prayer rugs, and is a passionate poser of unconventional quiz questions. In Karlsruhe, it was not only the souvenir shops, but also the density of doner kebab joints which became apparent to her. Last Saturday, she sold the result of her work – a modernized weather house – at the Karlsruhe Christmas Market. Continue Reading ...
globalart | Friday, 16 December 2011 15:27
Pong, Elodie »After the Empire« 2008. Video, excerpt, 2:00min. photo © Elodie Pong and Freymond-Guth Fine Arts
What image occurs to us when thinking of the keyword “tick, trick and track”, and what trailer, when recalling “Star Wars”? We most likely think of the same thing. The Flat World Theory, is how Harvard professor, Theodore Levitt referred to it: by the globalized economy, the world becomes a homogenous space in which things are produced and consumed indiscriminately en masse – even the same pictures. Continue reading ...
globalart | Friday, 11 November 2011 14:59
Swiss television channel SF1 on Com&Com's MocMoc-Project and the debate in Romanshorn. Video, 6:03 min.
The Swiss village of Romanshorn near Lake Constance suffers from a problem of identity: it has no idea about the origins of its name, and why a horn comprises part of the coat of arms. So the artist duo Com&Com came up with an emblem and a founding legend. The project: to create an identity by way of social sculpture. The scandal: the ‘recovered’ mascot of the city Mocmoc is almost as much rooted in Swiss traditions as the fictive entity Pokémon. We spoke with Johannes Hedinger, one half of the duo, about global pictorial worlds and local identities. Continue reading ...
globalart | Friday, 21 October 2011 17:55
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